
Nutritional Medicine

Nutritional Medicine
Nutritional Medicine uses a holistic approach to health and wellness that focuses on treating the underlying cause rather than the symptoms. Extensive questioning and physical examinations will be completed throughout the course of the consultation to ensure the root of your health concern is addressed. Dietary, lifestyle and medical history are all taken into consideration. Your unique and individual circumstances are taken into account when devising the treatment plan. Treatment options include dietary modification and nutritional supplementation.


Candace Borg

Candace is a highly qualified practitioner with degrees in both Biomedical Science and Health Science (Naturopathy) giving her the capacity to assess your health from both a medical and naturopathic perspective. She is also a qualified Natural Fertility Educator and Hypnobirthing practitioner.

Candace uses a range of herbal and nutritional medicine and lifestyle counselling, to address both simple and more complex health issues. She has a broad knowledge of nutrition. As a vegan, she is able to advise vegans and vegetarians on the specific requirements of those lifestyles but is equally able to advise everyone regardless of their dietary direction, on their individual nutritional requirements.

Candace is an active member of the Melbourne naturopathic community. She is a registered member of the National Herbalists Association of Australia (NHAA) and the Mental Health Professionals Network (MHPN).

Candace’s passion is to support and guide individuals to have the best possible health outcomes through natural approaches and the body’s ability to heal itself when adequately supported.

For more information or to make an appointment head to www.candaceborg.com, email or call Candace on 0404 851 143.

Follow Candace on Instagram at @candaceborgvegannaturopath

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