
Midweek mini cleanse

What a combo. More restrictions lifted in Melbourne last weekend, combined with many people getting out of town for some extra time off. The sweet sweet smell of spending time with friends and family, being able to eat out, explore our city again, visit your favourite stores and step outside radius….it’s all a bit exciting. Definitely a reason to let go a little! And maybe a a reason to now do a mini cleanse!

If your weekend was a long one, and comprised of indulgently celebrating life out of lockdown, then maybe you feel like your body needs a little realigning.

There are a few simple things that you can do to cleanse out the body and help your body feel more balanced.

Lemon 1. Lemon water 

Begin your day with warm lemon water and sip it throughout the day. This is a great way to promote hydration and stimulate digestion throughout the day. Lemon water can help food move through your system and keep your body hydrated. This is key to helping your liver and kidneys filter out toxins. And if we have been consuming alcohol or a lot of processed foods, our body needs to clear it.

2. Plant based foods

It is important to focus on nourishing, healthy meals if we have been having lots of fun foods. Think fruit, veggies, and plant-based protein as these are full of antioxidants that help free radicals exit your body.

3. Essential oil belly massage

If your digestion is feeling a little sluggish or your belly is feeling a little moody then a nice way to help calm things down is by gently massaging some essential oils over your abdomen. Peppermint oil is an incredibly soothing oil to choose and adding oils such as lemongrass, lavender, geranium or frankincense can help to ease and calm inflammation.

4. Gentle exercise

Whilst a good sweat can help release toxins from storing in the system, gentle movement is the way to go. The body is already under extra pressure to cleanse and clear out the extra toxic load. So things like walking, yoga, light weights and even housework can gently bring your energy system back into balance, plus it boosts your mood.

5. Sleep

Let’s face it, sometimes having fun means that you might not get to bed at the most reasonable hour. Or maybe not, but the extra strain on the body to process through the extra indulgence needs to be supported. Sleep plays a huge role in your body’s recovery so aiming for 8-10 hours sleep for the next couple of nights is a great way to help your body catch up and rejuvenate.

In summary…..

There is nothing wrong with having a great time and doing things out side of your usual routine. It is just a matter of giving back to our body the love it needs. And the good news is, you don’t have to go to extremes to reset your body after a bit of fun. And your body will thank you for it!


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